Are you a new mom? Or about to give birth?

This program is for you.


My Newborn Support program will make you feel more confident about your newborn care and take the guesswork out of the window so you can enjoy this phase worry-free.

Get the skills to tackle motherhood with confidence.

This Program Includes

✔️ Virtual nursery evaluation

✔️ Personalized baby routine

✔️ Newborn guide

✔️ 45 minute consultation

✔️ 15 minute call/per day for 1 month


*International families living outside of the US, please contact me for pricing.

**payment plans available

sleep challenges

Using Neha B. as our sleep consultant was the best thing I’ve done. She made a customized plan and was there to support me throughout the whole time, encouraging me to keep going. Her expertise was very reassuring and I felt confident with each passing day. She is supportive, dependable and the best sleep consultant a family could have.


My Other Programs

  • Baby Sleep Support

    (4 months - 18 months)

    Are your nights rough because your baby is not sleeping through the night? You're exhausted and looking for a personalized solution. I can help.

  • Toddler Sleep Support

    (18 months - 4 years)

    Does your typical bedtime look like a war zone? Maybe your toddler is struggling with separation anxiety and you're co-sleeping. Whatever the situation, I'm here to guide you through a solution.